Collaboratory Kitchen: The kitchen is a social place, a common place to gather and connect. It is a place to share not only food, but stories, ideas, aspirations and initiatives. Colaboratory Kitchen is an ongoing mobile and on-site project that brings farmers, scientists, creatives and chefs together around the kitchen table to connect, exchange knowledge and prototype new trans-disciplinary solutions to farming; a test ground for ideas that conciliate land restoration, conservation, food production and better livelihood in farming communities. A response to the lack of connection between disciplines that are key for new alternatives towards more sustainable and just futures.
IPBES Values Assessment: IPBES is the Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services ( ). The evaluation of values analyze the literature on the different ways in which people give importance to nature, the methods to do so, the voices that are included (and those excluded) in decision-making, the values to update in the future fairer and more sustainable, and the incorporation of these values in public policies.
PECS: The programme for ecosystem change and society aims to integrate research on the stewardship of social–ecological systems, the services they generate, and the relationships among natural capital, human wellbeing, livelihoods, inequality and poverty.
EQUIVAL: Nurturing a Shift towards Equitable Valuation of Nature in the Anthropocene. EQUIVAL provides the seed for a transdisciplinary (integration of multiple disciplines together with involvement of stakeholders) vision of the role of equity in the valuation of nature. It seeks to identify and analyze on-the ground cases with varying degrees and understandings of equitable valuation-led decision-making processes. By so doing it aims to demonstrate the impacts of equitable valuation on nature, as well as the opportunities and challenges that equitable valuation faces under varying social-ecological conditions.
FOREFRONT: Researchers from the Netherlands, Brazil and Mexico explore alternatives to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity, the supply of ecosystem services and agricultural production in anthropized tropical landscapes.
RESERBOS: Secondary succession in tropical forests: recovering biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services. Plots within secondary tropical forests, one dry on the Jalisco coast and one humid in the Lacandon, have been monitored since 2000 to understand how the succession progresses and how the interactions between these forests and the inhabitants of the region change.
Red Socioecos: TheSocioecos network was created in 2014 as a platform to promote and strengthen collaboration between academics, civil society organizations, decision makers, the private sector and local stakeholders. Its objective is the generation of knowledge that contributes alternatives for management, governance and public policies for the co-construction of sustainability, from an inter and transdisciplinary perspective.