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Moreno, C. E., Calderón-Patrón, J. M., Arroyo-Rodríguez, V., Barragan, F., Escobar, F., Gómez-Ortiz, Y., Martín, N., Martínez-Falcón, A. P., Martínez-Morales, M. A., Mendoza, E., Ortega-Martínez, I. J., Pérez-Hernández, C. X., Pineda, E., Pineda-López, R., Ríos, L., Rodríguez, P., Rosas, F., Schondube, J. E., e I. Zuria. En prensa. Measuring biodiversity in the Anthropocene: a simple guide to helpful methods. Biodiversity and Conservation.

Ortega-García, S., Guevara, L., Arroyo-Cabrales, J., Lindig-Cisneros, R., Martínez-Meyer, E., Vega, E. y J. E. Schondube. 2017. The thermal niche of Neotropical nectar-feeding bats: Its evolution and application to predict responses to global warming. Ecology and Evolution. 1-11.

Ayala-Berdon, J., Vázquez-Fuerte, R., Beamonte-Barrientos, R. y J. E. Schondube. 2017. Effect of diet quality and ambient temperature on the use of torpor by two species of neotropical nectar-feeding bats. Journal of Experimental Biology. 220: 920-929.

Rivera-García, K. D., Sandoval-Ruiz, C. A., Saldaña-Vázquez, R. A. y J. E. Schondube. 2017 prensa. The effects of season a Mammalia lity on host-bat fly ecological networks in a temperate mountain cave. Parasitology. 144: 692–697.

Jara-Servín, A. M., Saldaña-Vázquez, R. A. y J. E. Schondube. 2016. Nutrient availability predicts frugivorous bats abundance in an urban environment.  DOI: Mammalia. 0039.

Rodríguez-Peña N., Stoner, K. E., Ayala-Berdón J. I., Munguía-Rosas, M. A., Sánchez-Cordero, V. y J. E. Schondube. 2016. Factors affecting nectar sugar composition in chiropterophilic plants. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad. 87:465-473.

Saldaña-Vázquez, R. A., Ruiz-Sanchez, E., Herrera-Alsina, L. y J. E. Schondube. 2015. Digestive capacity predicts diet diversity in Neotropical frugivorous bats. Journal of Animal Ecology. 84: 1396-1404.

Carrillo-Araujo, M., Tas, N., Alcántara-Hernández, R. J., OsirisGaona, O., Schondube, J. E., Medellín, R. A., Jansson, J. A. y L. I. Falcón. 2015. Phyllostomid bat microbiome composition is associated to host phylogeny and feeding strategies. Frontiers in Microbiology. 6: article 447.

Maya-Elizarras, E. y J. E. Schondube. 2015. Birds, cattle, and bracken ferns: bird community responses to a Neotropical landscape shaped by cattle grazing activities. Biotropica. 47: 1-10.

Carrara, E., Arroyo-Rodríguez, V., Vega-Rivera, J. H., Schondube, J. E., de Freitas, S. M. y L. Fahrig. 2015. Impact of landscape composition and configuration on forest specialist and generalist bird species in the fragmented Lacandona rainforest, Mexico. Biological Conservation. 184: 117-126.

Maya-Elizarras, E. y J. E. Schondube. 2015. Birds, charcoal and cattle: bird community responses to human activities in an oak forest landscape shaped by charcoal extraction. Forest Ecology and Management. 335: 118-128.

Mirón L., Mira A., Rocha-Ramírez V., Belda-Ferre P., Cabrera-Rubio R., Folch-Mallol J., Cardénas-Vázquez R., DeLuna A., Hernándes A. L., Maya-Elizarrara E. y Jorge E. Schondube. 2014. Gut Bacterial Diversity of the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) Inferred by 16S rRNA Sequence Analysis. Metagenomics. 3: 1-11.

Camacho-Cervantes M., Schondube J.E., Castillo A. e I. MacGregor-Fors. 2014. How do people perceive urban trees? Assessing likes and dislikes in relation to the trees of a city. Urban Ecosystems. 17: 761-773.

Quesada J., Chávez-Zichinelli C. A., Senar J. C., y J. E. Schondube. 2013. Plumage Coloration of the Blue Grosbeak has no Dual Function: A Test of the Armament-Ornament Model of Sexual Selection. The Condor. 115(4): 902-909.

Aguilar-Melo A. R., Andresen E., Cristóbal-Azkarate J., Arroyo-Rodriguez V., Chavira R., Schondube J. E., Serio-Silva J. C. y A. D. Cuarón. 2013. Behavioral and physiological responses to subgroup size and number of people in howler monkeys inhabiting a forest fragment used for nature-based tourism. American Journal of Primatology. 75:1108–1116.

Rodríguez-Peña N., Stoner K. E., Ayala-Berdon J., Flores-Ortiz C., Duran A. y J. E. Schondube. 2013. Nitrogen and amino acids in nectar modify food selection nectarivorous bats. Journal of Animal Ecology. 82(5): 1106-1115.

Ayala-Berdon J., Galicia R., Flores-Ortíz C., Medellín R. A. y J. E. Schondube. 2013. Digestive capacities allow the Mexican long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris nivalis) to live in cold environments. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part B 164 (4): 622-628.

Ayala-Berdon J., Rodríguez-Peña N., García-Leal C., Stoner K. E., y J. E. Schondube. 2013. Sugar gustatory thresholds and sugar selection in two species of Neotropical nectar-eating bats. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A. 164: 307-313.

Chávez-Zichinelli C. A., MacGregor-Fors I., Quesada J., Talamás-Rohana P., Romano M. C., Valdéz R., y J. E. Schondube. 2013. How stressed are birds in an urbanizing landscape? Relationships between the physiology of birds and three levels of habitat ateration. The Condor. 115(1): 84-92.

Ortega-Álvarez R., Lindig-Cisneros R., MacGregor-Fors I., Renton K., y J. E. Schondube. 2013. Avian community responses to restoration efforts in a complex volcanic landscape. Ecological Engineering. 53: 275–283.

Saldana-Vazquez R. A., Sosa V. J., Iniguez-Davalos L. I. y J. E. Schondube. 2013. The role of extrinsic and intrinsic factors in Neotropical fruit bat-plant interactions. Journal of Mammalogy. 94(3): 632–639.

Saldana-Vazquez R. A. y J. E. Schondube. 2013. Food intake changes in relation to food quality in the Neotropical frugivorous bat Sturnira ludovici. Acta Chiropterológica. 15(1): 69–75.

Martínez-Ramos M., Barraza L., Balvanera P., Benítez-Malvido J., Bongers F., Castillo-Álvarez A., Cuarón A. D., Ibarra-Manríquez G., Paz-Hernández H., Pérez-Jiménez A., Quesada-Avendaño M., Pérez-Salicrup D. R., Sánchez-Azofeifa G. A., Schondube J. E., Stoner K., Alvarado-Díaz J., Boege K., Del Val E., Favila-Carrillo M. E., Suazo-Ortuño I., Ávila-Cabadilla L. D., Álvarez-Añorve M. Y.,Cano-Ramírez M., Castillo-Mandujano J., Chaves-Badilla O., de la Peña E. I., Corzo-Domínguez A., Godínez-Gutiérrez M., Gómez-Bonilla A. P., González Di Pierro A. M., Fuentealba-Durán B., Gudiño-González W. A., Hernández Ordoñez O., Lobeck M., López-Carretero A., Manrique Ascencio C., Maza-Villalobos S., Méndez Toribio M., Mora-Ardila F., Muench Spitzer C., Peñaloza Guerrero C. B., Pinzón Pérez L. F., Páramo Pérez M. E., Pineda García F., Ricaño Rocha A., Rocha Ortega M., Rodríguez- Velázquez J., Mariel Schroeder N., Trilleras-Motha J., Van Breugel M., Van der Sleen P., Villa Galviz E., e I. Zermeño Hernández. 2012. Manejo de bosques tropicales: bases científicas para la conservación, restauración y aprovechamiento de ecosistemas en paisajes rurales. Investigación Ambiental. 4 (1):107-126.

Lara C., Feria-Arroyo P. T., Dale J., Muñoz J. , Arizmendi M. C., Ornelas J. F., Ortíz-Pulido R., Rodríguez-Flores C. I., Díaz-Valenzuela R., Martínez-García V., Díaz-Palacios A., Partida R., Enríquez P. L., Rangel-Salazar J. L. y J. E. Schondube. 2012. Efectos potenciales del cambio climático en la distribución de colibríes: un estudio de caso con especies de los géneros Amazilia y Cynanthus. Ornitología Neotropical. 23: 53-70.

MacGregor-Fors I. y J. E. Schondube. 2012. Urbanizing the wild: shifts in bird communities associsted to small human settlements. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad. 83:477-486.

MacGregor-Fors I., Navarro-Sigüenza A. G., Morales-Pérez L. y J. E. Schondube. 2012. Note on the distribution and migration of the Black-capped Vireo (Vireo atricapilla). Huitzil. 13(1): 17-21.

Medina-Tapia N., Ayala-Berdon J., Morales-Pérez L., Mirón-Melo L. y J. E. Schondube. 2012. Do hummingbirds have a sweet-tooth? Gustatory sugar thresholds and sugar selection in the broad-billed hummingbird Cynanthus latirostris. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A. 161(3): 307-314.

Ruiz-Gutiérrez, V., P. F. Doherty, Jr., E. Santana C., S. Contreras Martínez, J. E. Schondube, H. Verdugo Munguía, y E. Iñigo-Elias. 2012. Survival of Resident Neotropical Birds: Considerations for Sampling and Analysis Based on 20 Years of Bird-Banding Efforts in Mexico. The Auk. 129(3):500-509.

Schondube J. E. 2012. Differences in nectar use potential in a guild of birds: a gut’s view. Ornitología Neotropical. 23: 97-113.

Ayala J. y J. E. Schondube. 2011. A physiological perspective of nectar-feeding specialization in bats. Physiological Zoology. 84 (5): 458-466.

-Berdon, J., Rodríguez-Peña, N., Orduña-Villaseñor, M., Stoner, K.E., Kelm, D.H., y J.E. Schondube. 2011. Foraging behavior adjustments related to changes in nectar sugar concentration in phyllostomid bats. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 160: 143-148.

MacGregor-Fors, I., Blanco-García, A., Chávez-Zichinelli, C., Maya-Elisararrás, E., Mirón, L., Morales-Pérez, L., Perdomo, H., y J.E. Schondube. 2011. Relación entre la presencia de luz artificial nocturna y la actividad del mosquero cardenal (Pyrocephalus rubinus). El canto de Cenzontle. 2: 64-71.

MacGregor-Fors, I., R. Calderón-Parra, A. Meléndez-Herrada, S. López-López y J. E. Schondube. 2011. Pretty, but dangerous! Records of non-native Monk Parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus) in Mexico”. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad. 82: 1053-1056.

MacGregor-Fors, I. y J. E. Schondube. 2011. Use of Tropical Dry Forests and Agricultural Areas by Neotropical Bird Communities. Biotropica. 43: 365-370.

MacGregor-Fors, I. y J. E. Schondube. 2011. Gray vs. green urbanization: Relative importance of urban features for urban bird communities. Basic and Applied Ecology. 12: 372-381.

MacGregor-Fors, I. Morales-Pérez L. y J. E. Schondube. 2011. Does size really matters. Species-area relationships in human settlements. Diversity and Distributions. 17: 112–121.

Chávez-Zichinelli C. A., MacGregor-Fors I., Talamás-Rohana P., Valdéz R., Romano M. C., y J. E. Schondube. 2010. Stress responses of the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) to different urban land-uses. Landscape and urban planning. 98: 183-189.

MacGregor-Fors, I., Morales-Pérez L. y J. E. Schondube. 2010. Migrating to the city: Responses of neotropical migrant bird communities to urbanization. The Condor. 112: 711-717.

MacGregor-Fors I., Morales-Pérez L., Quesada J. y J. E. Schondube. 2010. Relationship between the presence of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) and Neotropical bird community structure and diversity. Biological invasions. 12: 87-96.

Ayala J. I., Schondube J. E. y K. E. Stoner. 2009. Seasonal intake responses in the nectar-feeding bat Glossophaga soricina. Journal of Comparative Physiology, B. 179: 553-562.

López-Flores V., MacGregor-Fors I. y J. E. Schondube. 2009. Nest-predation pressure along a Neotropical urbanization gradient. Landscape and Urban Planning. 92:90-95.

MacGregor-Fors, I., Vázquez L., Vega-Rivera J. H. y J. E. Schondube. 2009. Non-exotic invasion of Great-tailed Grackles Quiscalus mexicanus in a tropical dry forest reserve. Ardea. 97(3): 367–369.

Ayala-Berdón J., Schondube J. E., Stoner K. E., Rodríguez-Peña N. y C. Martínez del Rio. 2008. The intake responses of three species of leaf-nosed Neotropical Bats. Journal of Comparative Physiology, B 178:477–485.

Bakken B. H., Herrera-M. L. G., Carroll R. M., Ayala-Berdón J. I., Schondube, J. E. y C. Martínez del Rio. 2008. A nectar-feeding mammal avoids body fluid disturbances by varying renal function. American Journal of Physiology. 295: F1855–F1863.

MacGregor-Fors I., Schondube J. E., Morales-Pérez L. y J. Quesada. 2008. Ampliación del ámbito geográfico-altitudinal y uso de hábitats suburbanos por la mascarita pico grueso (Geothlypis poliocephala). Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad. 79: 533-534.

Perez G., Schondube J. E. y C. Martínez del Río. 2008. Isótopos estables en ornitología: una introducción breve. Ornitología Neotropical. 19:95-112.

Rodríguez-Peña N., Stoner K. E., Schondube J. E., Ayala-Berdón J. y C. Martínez del Rio. 2007. Efffects of sugar composition and concentration on food selection by Leptonycteris curasoae and Glossophaga soricina (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae: Glossophaginae). Journal of Mammalogy. 88(6):1466–1474.

Lotz C. N. y J. E. Schondube. 2006. Sugar preferences in nectar- and fruit-eating birds: behavioral patterns and physiological causes. Biotropica. 38: 1-13.

Schondube J. E. y C. Martínez del Río. 2004. Sugar and protein digestion in flowerpiercers and hummingbirds: a comparative test of adaptive convergence. Journal of Comparative Physiology. B 174:263-273.

Schondube J. E., Santana-C. E. e I. Ruan-Tejeda. 2003. Biannual cycles of the Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer. Biotropica. 35: 250-261.

Schondube J. E. y C. Martinez del Rio. 2003. Concentration-dependent sugar preferences in nectar-feeding birds: mechanisms and consequences. Functional Ecology. 17: 445-453.

Schondube J. E. y C. Martinez del Rio. 2003. The flowerpiercer’s hook: an experimental test of an evolutionary trade-off. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B (Biology) 270: 195-198.

Martinez del Rio C., Schondube, J. E., McWhorter T. y L. G. Herrera-M. 2001. Intake responses in nectar feeding birds: digestive and metabolic causes, osmoregulatory consecuences, and coevolutionary effects. American Zoologist. 41: 902-915.

Schondube J. E., Herrera-M L. G. y C. Martínez del Rio. 2001. Diet and the evolution of digestion and renal function in phyllostomid bats. Zoology-Analysis of Complex Systems. 104: 59-73.

Struempf H. M., Schondube J. E. y C. Martinez del Rio. 1999. The cyanogenic glycoside amygdalin does not deter consumption of ripe fruit by Cedar Waxwings. Auk. 116(3): 749-758.