Old-growth forests are critical to safeguard tropical birds in complex landscape mosaics exposed to slash-and-burn agriculture | IIES

Old-growth forests are critical to safeguard tropical birds in complex landscape mosaics exposed to slash-and-burn agriculture

Old-growth forests are critical to safeguard tropical birds in complex landscape mosaics exposed to slash-and-burn agriculture

Landscape Ecology 2024 Vol.39(7)

Martínez-Penados, A.L., Arroyo-Rodríguez, V., Morante-Filho, J.C., Pinel-Ramos, E.J., Schondube, J.

DOI: 10.1007/s10980-024-01919-8


Context: Slash-and-burn agriculture generates landscape mosaics composed of different land uses. Ecological theory postulates that in these mosaics, the structure of species assemblages depends on both local- and landscape-scale factors, but their relative role remains poorly known. Objectives: Understanding the relative importance of local and landscape variables for bird assemblages in landscape mosaics of the Mayan tropical forest, Mexico. Methods: We evaluated the effect of two local variables (land use type and tree basal area) and two landscape variables (old-growth forest cover and human proximity) on bird abundance and diversity, separately assessing forest and non-forest birds. As species extirpation may accelerate when forest loss exceeds certain limits (extinction thresholds), we assessed forest loss effects with linear and nonlinear models. Results: We recorded 1867 birds from 118 species in four land-use types (old-growth forest, secondary forest, burned lands, and agricultural lands). Land-use type and surrounding old-growth forest cover better predicted bird abundance and diversity than tree basal area and human proximity. Agricultural lands showed the lowest abundance and diversity of forest species, but the highest abundance and diversity of non-forest species. We found no support for the extinction threshold hypothesis. Yet, independently of the land use, old-growth forest loss decreased the diversity of forest species and increased the abundance and diversity of non-forest species. Human proximity also decreased total bird abundance, especially because of the loss of forest species. Conclusions: Our findings highlight the key role played by old-growth forests for preserving bird assemblages in landscape mosaics exposed to slash-and-burn agriculture. © The Author(s) 2024.

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