The conceptual babel of agroecologies is related to their diverse origins and objectives | IIES

The conceptual babel of agroecologies is related to their diverse origins and objectives

The conceptual babel of agroecologies is related to their diverse origins and objectives

Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 2024 Vol.48(1) pp.4-16

Espinosa-García F.J.; de la Barrera E.; González Jácome A.



The term agroecology has undergone broad diversification since it was first conceived as the study of the ecology of agricultural systems. In addition to the “tripartite” definition, which includes science, practice, and social movement, political and “emancipatory” agroecologies, among others, are included. There is no consensus on the meaning of “agroecology” and “agroecological,” nor the objectives and uses associated with those concepts. Thus, despite the concept of “agroecology” not being consolidated nor unisemic, its meaning and application continue to diversify according to the interests and perspectives of the users. That diversification encompasses different ways of looking at agriculture’s role in human societies and the environment in which they are based and function. Agroecology, too, has been seen as an activity whose objectives include issues as diverse as mythical, ceremonial, dogmatic, political, or religious. Moreover, this unrestricted diversification also devalues and trivializes the term and hinders the mutual understanding among academics, practitioners, promoters, decision-makers, the public, and government agencies. We begin a series of reflections on the various agroecologies in Mexico that we hope will promote the formation of clear, well-defined, and documented concepts to contribute to synergies among agroecologies and the advancement of their objectives. © 2023 Taylor & Francis.

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